NPA is a 51 year old Worldwide Recruiting Network that connects premier independent recruiting firms located throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Americas.
Around the globe there are almost 400 companies, bound together with a common set of protocols, ethics and state of the art technology. This will, I believe, allow Options to use additional resources from selected partners to assist with client assignments and in placing candidates –not just in India, and but across the emerging & developed countries across the World.
I am very convinced the next decade will see a lot of global migration of professionals- as businesses grow beyond geographies-and this alliance will get us some better insights to the local practices!
As a member of the Executive Recruiters Association of India for the last 4 years, I have been fortunate to interact with other consultants and business owners on a National level. We have had some informal exchanges between some members, and the NPA experience should see us formalising many more relationships.
Going forward, I am confident we can add value, commitment and passion to the hiring needs of our clients- by helping more professionals find the opportunities they are best suited for-not just in India-but now globally too!
I am also planning to return to India (after 9 years in US IT) in 2008. Can you please suggest a good recruiting company that I can work with? I have more than 12+ years of experience (9 of these in US and rest in India, Bangkok and Singapore)
Congrats Achyut!!!
I am a regular reader on your blog and have been gaining lot of perspective.
Look forward to more learning through your global network now.
Congratulations Achyut,
Thats really neat... I am so happy for you.
All the very best to you and Options!
Happy New Year!
Sucharith Menon
Sandeep, You cd connect with me on [email protected] and I can let you know how best I can be of help-and if not-shall certainly point you to the right associate. Welcome!
Pankaj, thank you for the note.It is indeed a very enlightening experience to interact with professionals across the world- and be sensitive to the subtle but distinct differences. I shall surely be trying to articulate some of my observations asap-so that I do not generalise.
Sucharith- thanks for sparing the time and dropping by my blog. Am a regular readers of yours :-)!
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