Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jobs for locals...globally!

The more I think about it, the more I am convinced-the future is going to be driven by networks! And the power of collaboration..

Globalisation has changed the way companies have approached businesses in the past decade. Outsourcing.
Off shoring. International trade. Emergence of worldwide production markets.And consequently, brain drain. Movement of jobs.

While companies have been pushing for dissolution of boundaries to facilitate seamless flow of products and services, governments are getting paranoid about their sovereignty. More and more countries are resorting to barriers to protect jobs and shelter local industries from international competition!!

At the recent conference of NPA, The Worldwide Recruiting Network, that our firm is part of, we had over 50 participants from 13 countries under one roof for a couple of days and constantly comparing notes. While there is an increased hiring activity across the globe-especially compared to the sentiments in the preceding 18 months, there is a certain pattern to it!

-Cautious Optimism : While companies are willing to fill in (actually 'back fill") the roles, they are lot more choosy and fussy about whom to hire. There is no tearing hurry to hire, and in absolutely no mood to compromise.

-Lesser number of expat hires. There is an increasing trend and clamour for hiring 'returning natives' -or those of local origin but with international experience.

-Increasing use of social media to attract and retain the attention of the Gen Y! (there is an increasing emphasis on 'balanced life' in this segment compared to the GenX or the Baby boomer generation!)

-There is a slew of innovative initiatives most clients are experimenting with! For example
*Should they hire an expensive person for 6 months vs hiring a junior person for a whole year?
*Flexible offerings from third party vendors ( Not just sourcing, but providing semi in house services such as screening and assessment!)

But if there was one common thread that was obvious- it was the emergence of the Asia Pac region as the new market for most companies. Western companies looking to the East for growth & consumption, not just for reasons related to cost arbitration. As also regional players going global in their aspirations.

As NPA partners, there is a huge opportunity for most of us to help our respective clients-as they expand globally-while still hiring local talent -in each of the regions!! With over 350 owners -with over a decade of expertise in the respective domains/geographies, the extended reach is immense.

Imagine-as a prospective job seeker- the odds that someone among the 1800 recruiters in the network is working on a similar mandate, matching one's aspirations & abilities, could be quite enriching !!

PS here is an interesting presentation..

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