This is just a brief posting-for those well wishers who do not visit this blog, as they subscribe to the feeds!
I have been told to specifically point out that there is a separate blog I write- occasionally mentioning the kind of openings we, at Options-keep handling from time to time! And while I have added a widget on the right hand side of this blog, apparently those who register for updates keep missing this!!
Have a great weekend! I am a little busy trying to catch up with leads of returning Indians in
I have been told to specifically point out that there is a separate blog I write- occasionally mentioning the kind of openings we, at Options-keep handling from time to time! And while I have added a widget on the right hand side of this blog, apparently those who register for updates keep missing this!!
Have a great weekend! I am a little busy trying to catch up with leads of returning Indians in
-the construction industry-with experience in designing intelligent buildings
-the sales & distribution experience in animal nutrition business
-fund management of PE firms, and
- yes, senior technical architects in the software industry! Anyone with virtualisation experience? Or those with competency in computational geometry?!
Should you be aware of someone, please reach out to [email protected] !! Thanks!
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